"Know ARSHA (PILES / HEMORRHOIDS) through Ayurveda & Deal it Naturally"

Dr. Omprakash Yadav

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav Contact:[email protected] Ph no:-+918080747455 /+9196996666426


Arsha (piles / hemorrhoids) is an indisposition in which a fleshy swelling of variable size, shape and colour appears (due to varicosity of veins) in the anus.


HETU (Causes)

1)Due to intake of heavy, sweet, cold and channel blocking, vidahi, viruddha, uncooked, too little and unsuitable food
2)eating meat of cow, fish, buffallow, goat and sheep.
3)constant use of dried meat.
4)preparations of flour, rice cooked with milk.
5)products of sesame and jaggery, balck gram, dried vegetables, legumes, uncooked radish.
6)intake of deranged wine.
7)stale and cold food.
8)abstaining from physical exercise and sexual intercourse.
9)use of comfortable bed, chairs and seats, the agni gets suppressed and there is accumulation of waste products in the colon.
10)Journey on uneven, irregular moving vehicles or animals.
11)improper use of basti-netra.
12)wound in the aro-rectal region.
13)excessive straining
14)impelling the urge of flatus.
15)constant and excessive straining during daefecation.
16)repeated abortion.
17)due to foetal pressure and difficult labour.

Dushya-samgraha (AYURVEDA Pathophysiology)

Purvarupa (Pre Signs & symptoms)

1)Improper digestion of food leading to gas in abdomen.
3)sounds in the abdomen
5)pain in the legs
7)constipation and hard stools

Rupa (symptoms & Signs) Clinical features

1)Hard stools with blood
2)itching and pain in the anal region are the main symptoms.


1)Vataja Arsha
These are caused by consuming dry, cold, light foods in small quantity and by taking very teekshna type of alcohol, excessive fear, excessive exercise and exposure to extreme dry heat.
These types of piles are very hard, rough and blackish in colour. They are very painful usually accompanied by pain in the region of back, head, chest, legs and constipation. The patient has low agni and complains of ringing in the ears. The stools, urine, nails and face can be of black colour. Such patient often suffers from prostate, enlargement of spleen and liver.

2)Pittaja Arsha
These are caused by eating food and drinks that are saur, salty and pungent and having hot potency, drinking too much alcohol, indulging in excessive exercise and exposure to extreme heat.
Piles are very soft, reddish in color, inflamed and bleeding. Thirst, diarrhea, fever and fainting may present.

3)Kaphaja Arsha
These are caused by eating sweet, salty, cold and heavy foods. Leading sedentary life without any exercise, sleeping during day time and sitting on very soft seat and sleeping on soft bed.
Piles are whitish, large, soft and slimy in nature. There are symptoms like mild pain in the region of pelvis and legs, low grade pain in the region of bladder and abdomen, heaviness in head, excessive salivation, with low digestive fire. The colour of urine, feces, nails and face is mostly white.

4)Sahaja Arsha
These are present from the birth due to defect in the sperm and ovum. Such patients are very lean and thin with low weight, less strength, low voice, low agni and are very lazy.

5)Raktaja Arsha
These are caused by the same etiological factors that cause Pitta aggravation and the causes that are responsible for vitiation of rakta. Such piles are very soft and are of red colour. The patient suffers from dyspnoea on exertion, fainting, vertigo, irritability and has low ojas

Sadhya-Asadhyatva (Prognosis)

External arsha, with one dosha predominance and which is at Bahya samvarani as well as not older than one year is easily curable.

Arsha having two dosha predominance and is at the second vali called as visarjani and older than one year is difficult for the treatment.

Sahaja arsha and the one with tridoshaja and is developed at the last vali called as pravahani is not treatable. If there is edema on the face, hands and feet, umbilicus and at the rectum and has severe pain in the region of heart is not curable. Similarly the patient who is bleeding per rectum severely and has high fever, thirst and inflammation in the rectum is also not curable.

Even if the symptoms of asadhyatva are present, if the will power of the patient is good and his agni is strong with good body strength then in such patient, the symptoms can be brought under control, and as long as the patient continues the treatment, he feels better.

Upadrava (Associated Signs & Symptoms)

1)If not treated properly they can cause obstruction in the passage of urine and feces
2)severe pain in the abdomen, gases 3)pain in the region of anus
4)pain in the bladder

some home remedies

Pathya (Do'S)

1)Old variety of sali and sasthi rice, barley and kulattha as diets are fit for the patients.
2)The following eatables are also beneficial: leaf and fruit of patola , garlic pearls, citraka, leaves of punarnava, suranakanda (elephant’s foot); leaf of vristuka (cenopodium), jambira lemon, scented liquids, dried ginger, harada
4)purified bhallataka
5)mustard oil
6)cow urine
7)tusodaka, fruit rind of amalaki; black salt, fruit of kapittha (wood apple)
8)camel’s urine, milk and ghrita.
9)The consumables that are helpful in checking vata and promoting the digestive power are also good for such patients.

Apathya (Prohibitions, Don't)

The patients of piles are suggested to avoid the followings
1)flash of the animals and birds from Anup country (central-west India)
2)the pressed cake of sesame
4)deeply fried eatables
5)those articles that are difficult to digest
6)water from such rivers as the one flowing in the Avanti and Apardnta countries (central-west India).
7)These patients are not to ride on horse or camel’s back.
8)They have to maintain celibacy.
9)Excessive use of water, sun bath, heat
10)suppression of natural urges of urination and defection are harmful for the patients.
11)They should avoid difficult sitting postures
12)avoid easterly wind.

Samanya Chikitsa (Line of treatment followed)

The general line of treatment is four folds
1)giving proper medicine
2)application of plant alkalies or kshara
3)application of agni or cautery
4)surgical procedure.
However as far as possible all attempts should be made to treat the arsha with medicines. Because, if the agnikarma or ksharakarma is not done properly, then many side effects like excessive bleeding, severe pain, prolapse of rectum and even death can take place.

General line of treatment by medicine

1.Avoid all etiological factors
2.Avoid constipation and formation of gas in the colon
3.Increase the power of digestive fire

External Treatment
Avagaha: Prepare decoction of licorice, kamala, khas, chandana and mix the same in cold water. Ask the patient to take avagaha in this cool water.


Warning:The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

consult at Shiv Shiva AyurvedA.

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav