"Know Diabetes (Prameha) through Ayurveda & Deal it Naturally"

Dr. Omprakash Yadav

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav Contact:[email protected] Ph no:-+918080747455 /+9196996666426

Introduction OF Prameha (Diabetes)

Prameha is group of urinary disorders characterised by the passing of turbid urine in excessive quantity.

Modern medicine considers this as as metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia,glycosuria,and disturbance in insulin mechanisam.

AYURVEDA DETAILS OF Prameha (Diabetes)

HETU (Causes)

1) Intake of food having cold, oily, sweet qualities,
2) dairy products like cheese,excessive use of curds
3) consuming grains and pulses which are new,
4) meat soup of the domestic,aquatic and marshy animals,
5) new liquor, products of jaggery and all other kapha producing factors are the main causative factors.
6) Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, worries and stress also leads to this disease.
7) Heredity is also an important etiological factor.

Dushya-samgraha (AYURVEDA Pathophysiology)

Vitiated doshas- Kledaka Kapha, Pachaka Pitta, Samana and Apana Vata.
Affected Dushya – Fat, muscle, lasika, majja and blood.
Srotas – Medovaha and Mutravaha
Vyakti – Urinary tract and kidney.

Purvarupa (Pre Signs & symptoms)

1) Sweating, foul smell to the body,
2) slackness in the hands and feet,
3) liking for comfort in lying and sleeping,
4) heaviness in the body ( due to obesity),
5) excessive growth of hairs, nails,
6) liking for cold, dryness in throat and soft palate,
7) sweet taste in the mouth and burning of hands and feet.
8) Excess appetite and thirst are also found as purvarupa.

Rupa (symptoms & Signs)

Excess and turbid urination as well as increased urination is the common symptom of all types of Prameha

Bheda (Types of Prameha)

Depending upon the causative factors, colour, consistency and quantity of urine etc. twenty types of Prameha have been described. Signs and symptoms of common varieties of Prameha are as follows:

1. Udakameha: In Udakameha, the patient passes large quantity of cold, colourless, odourless and slightly turbid and slimy urine.
2.Sukrameha: In Sukrameha, the patient passes semen during urination, or semen mixed urine or discharges with slight sexual excitement even due to emotion.
3. Iksumeha: Iksumeha is an indisposition in which the patient passes urine containing sugar and the urine resembles with the juice of sugar cane.
4. Hastimeha: Patient of Hastimeha passes voluminous urine of slimy consistency continuously for a long time without any obstruction.
5. Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus): All the cases of Prameha that prolong or which remain neglected lead to the indisposition identified as Madhumeha (diabetes mellitus). It may also occur independently. In this indisposition patient passes sweet urine like honey and the sugar level of his blood rises considerably above the normal limits.


If not properly treated, all types of Prameha turn into madhumeha or diabetes mellitus.

Upadrava (Associated Signs & Symptoms)

These have been described according to the types of prameha as follows:

1) Kaphaja Prameha – indigestion, anorexia, vomiting, insomnia, cough and chronic rhinitis.

2) Pittaja Prameha — pricking pain in the region of urinary bladder and penis, cracking of scrotum, fever, burning sensation, excessive thirst, sour eructations, fainting and loose motions.

3) Vataja Prameha — udavarta, tremors, precordial pain and discomfort, greediness for food, abdominal colics, insomnia, wasting of tissues, cough and dyspnoea.

In the long run, almost all types of diabetes turn into Vata type or diabetes mellitus. In such a condition, there is wasting of all tissues in the body with low strength, disturbance in ojas, and low immunity.
Hence it is importance to use rejuvenating herbs.

some home remedies

1. Amalaki juice, haridra and honey. Dose 30 ml. twice day.
2. Triphala, devadar and musta. Prepare decoction and take it with honey. Dose 30 ml. twice day.
3. Triphala, daruharidra, devadar and musta. Prepare decoction and add honey while taking. Dose 15 ml. twice day.
4. Guduchi satrva dose 50 mg. 3 to 4 times day.
5. Our specialize formulation Mehari Ark

Pathya (Do'S)

1) one should also take appetizer meals and herbs.
2)The following eatables are helpful in case of prameha: barley, soft bamboos, wild variety of kulattha, mukundaka variety of rice, old wheat grains, sali variety of rice, kalma variety of rice,
3) yusa of pulses of the kulattha, mudga and pigeon pea,
4) laja of paddy, old liquor, honey,
5) vatyamanda (manda prepared by cooking barley in water measuring four times),
6) buttermilk,
7) drum sticks (sobhanjana), patola, karavellaka, karkota, palm fruit, vyaghri fruit, udumbara fruit, garlic, guddci, triphala herbs, kapittha, jambu,kamala kanda, trikatu herbs, tindika phala, khadira and water melon.
8) Riding horse is also helpful.
9) All types of exercises cure prameha. The patient should continuously walk for one hundred yojanas and by begging for his food like a saint.

Apathya (Prohibitions, Don't)

1) The patient suffering from prameha should avoid hoilding the urge to urinate,
2) Avoid smoking,fomentation and blood letting therapies
3) remaining seated by side of the soft cushions,
4) sleeping during the day hours and indulging in intercourse.
5) He should also not take curd in large quantity, fresh cereals, date fruits, incomptiable food items, sugar cane juice, contaminated water,
6) Avoid salty, oily pastries, laxative stuff and meat of the animals from aquatic regions.

Warning:The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

consult at Shiv Shiva AyurvedA.

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav