"Know GRAHANI (SPRUE SYNDROME / IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME) through Ayurveda & Deal it Naturally"

Dr. Omprakash Yadav

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav Contact:[email protected] Ph no:-+918080747455 /+9196996666426


Grahani is an indisposition in which patient is unable todigest his food properly and passes it out frequently through motions in the undigested or digested form with OR without foul smell. The consistency of the stool changes frequently i.e. sometimes it is loose and some time it is formed.This disease can be compared with Sprue syndrome or Krohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome(IBS)


HETU (Causes)

1)Grahani is the main site of agni or digestive fire.
2)causes that vitiate agni create this disease.
3)Excessive fasting
4)eating during indigestion
5)over eating
6)irregular eating
7)intake of unsuitable, heavy, too cold and rough foods as well as contaminated food are main etiological factors.
8)faulty administration of emesis, purgation and medicated enema
9)suppression of natural urges
10)if the diarrhea is nor properly treated
11)person starts eating improper diet without digestive fire becoming normal

Dushya-samgraha (AYURVEDA Pathophysiology)

Purvarupa (Pre Signs & symptoms)

3)delayed digestion
4)heaviness in body
6)gas in abdomen
7)sometimes vomiting.

Rupa (symptoms & Signs) Clinical features

1)Patient of grahani passes stools, which are sometimes binding, sometimes very loose with foul smell
2)The distinguishing symptoms are – hard or loose feces inter-mitantly or suddenly
3)repeatedly loose motions
4)stools with undigested food
5)excess quantity of stools with food material and passage of ama with food and feces6)thirst
8)abnormal taste in the mouth
9)excessive salivation
10)feeling of darkness
11)edema on hands and feet
12)pain in bones & joints


(1) Vataja Grahani
When Vata is vitiated due to its own causes, food is digested slowly and hyper acidity is produced.
There is dryness in throat and mouth, thirst, blurred vision, tinnitus, cardiac pain, emaciation, debility and abnormal taste in mouth is produced.
He also suffers from cardiac pain, hunger, greed for every type of food, lassitude, tympanist during and after digestion which subsides after taking meal. There is suspicion of symptoms like Vataja gulma, heart disease or spleenomegaly.
Such patient passes stools, which arc liquid or dry with undigested food and he suffers from cough and asthma.

(2) Pittaja Grahani
When Pitta gets vitiated by intake of pungent, acidic or alkaline foods and drinks it increases with liquid qualities. This then produces low digestive fire.
Such patient passes liquid stools frequently, which are yellowish or bluish coloured with fetid smell.
There is excessive thirst, burning sensation in the cardiac region and throat and anorexia.

(3) Kaphaja Grahani
When Kapha gets vitiated, due to intake of heavy, fatty, cold and other similar qualities like overeating, sleeping immediately after meals, it affects the digestion.
such person suffers from nausea, vomiting, anorexia, feeling of stickiness in the mouth, cough and coryza.
He feels his abdomen heavy and he passes stools, which are mixed with ama and mucous

(4) Sannipatik Grahani
In this type mixed symptoms of all above types are found. Patient suffers from fever, anemia, stomatitis, pain and heaviness in abdomen.

(5) Sangrahani
This is due to vitiation of Vata and ama. This type is very difficult to cure. There are symptoms like borborigmy, gas in abdomen, lethargy, weakness, malaise, pain in abdomen due to improper digestion. Such patient passes stools, which are with ama, liquid, cool, dense, unctuous, bulky, with mucous, containing indigested food material along with production of sound with foul smelling, and there is pain during defecation.

(6) Ghatiyantra Grahani
This is chronic stage of sannipatika grahani, in which the organ become very weak and there is excess Vata vitiation. In this type the colicky pain occurs in the flanks and there are sounds as if pitcher is dipped in the water.

Sadhya-Asadhyatva (Prognosis)

The symptoms of sadhya and asadhyarva are the same as in atisara. This disease is curable in children, curable with difficulty in the adults, and is almost incurable in old persons.
Jeerna or ghatiyantra grahani and sannipatika grahani are difficult for the treatment.

Upadrava (Associated Signs & Symptoms)

1)Yakrit-pleehodara due to disorders in liver or spleen
2)itching all over the body
11)rheumatoid arthritis

some home remedies

Takra prayoga
Use of buttermilk (butter milk) with salt is very effective in checking psilosis. The buttermilk is very useful in adjusting the three orders of body including vata, Pitta and kapha. It is light and thus helpful in promoting digestion. It is madhur in vipaka and thus it does not vitiate the Pitta dosa. It is sour, astringent, hot by nature and thus it controls the kapha contents as well. The fresh buttermilk is smooth and it does not produce burning sensation as well.hence it is useful in grahani and arsha diseases.

Pathya (Do'S)

The following measures are considered to be beneficial for patients of graharri:
3)langhana (fasting),
4)taking in meals old sali rice, old sasthi rice
5)liquid obtained from the cooked rice
6)pulse soup of masura (lentil), adhya (pigeon peas) and mudga (kidney beans) pulses
7)curd of cow’s milk containing no butter
8)butter obtained from goat’s milk or curd
9)ghritam of goat’s milk, cow’s milk, curd
10)sesame oil
13)kamalakand, pomegranate, fresh fruits of kaseru, fruit and flowers of banana, pulp of fresh bilva fruits, sringataka, kapittha, bark of kutaja, cumin seeds, buttermilk,
14)all types of sour liquids.
15)One can also heat up the patient around the areas two fingers up and two fingers down of belly and also at the roots of backbone.

Apathya (Prohibitions, Don't)

The following are considered to be harmful in cases of grahani:
1)blood letting
2)roaming during night
3)drinking excessive water
5)intercourse, stopping flow of excretions
6)nasal therapy
7)application of collariyam
8)svedana therapy 9)smoking
10)heavy work
11)uncomptiable food
12)sun bathing or enjoying fire heat
13)taking food items prepared from wheat, white beans, peas, urada (pulse soup), barley, ginger, catraka (mushroom), upodikd, vastuka, kakamaci, ash gourd or kasiphala, tumbi, ripe drum stick, potato, arui, and other tubers, betel leaves, sugarcane, berry, mango, snake cucumber (karkati), betel nut, garlic, kanji, sauvir (barley and wheat’s kanji), tusodaka (kanji of yava along with its peels), milk, jaggery, coconut fruit or water, punarnava, fruit of kantakari, bamboo shoots, all types of leafy cuisine, contaminated water
14)cow’s urine, kasturi, yavaksara
15)all types of laxative liquids
17)like sour eatables, salt, taking heavy to digest meals, all types of pudding and puri.

Samanya Chikitsa (Line of treatment followed)

Aggravated doshas that have vitiated grahani, should be treated on the line of ajeerna or indigestion.

First herbs for increasing agni should be used, then detoxification of ama should be carried out.

In ama stage, anulomana or laxatives should be given. For this aragvadha, draksha and trivrit are best herbs.
In nirama stage, using grahi herbs and giving strength to the grahani organ is important.


Warning:The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

consult at Shiv Shiva AyurvedA.

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav