"Know What is AAm? through Ayurveda & Deal it Naturally"

Dr. Omprakash Yadav

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav Contact:[email protected] Ph no:-+918080747455 /+9196996666426

Introduction OF What is Aam?

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the food we eat is digested by digestive fire which then converts it into nutrient plasma by special mechanism. When gastric fire is strong and digestion is satisfactory, then this plasma is pure and nutritious. But if digestion is impaired, instead of healthy nutrient plasma, ama or toxins are produced in the body.

Thousands of years ago, Ayurveda experts took note of the presence of an unwanted substance in the digestive system and identified its role in causing various diseases. Modern scientists are yet to understand the significance of this concept. Books of modern physiology accept that some undigested proteins are found to be present in digestive system when digestion is not taking place satisfactorily. However, scientists are still unaware of the role played by these undigested substances in causing various pathologies.

Ayurveda holds ama responsible for most of the diseases ranging from simple flatulence to dreadful cancer. It is therefore of most importance to notice the presence of ama in systems.


HETU (Causes)

Dushya-samgraha (AYURVEDA Pathophysiology)

Purvarupa (Pre Signs & symptoms)

Rupa (symptoms & Signs) Clinical features

Weak hunger
Tastelessness in the mouth
Lack of desire to eat
Coated tongue
Feeling of heaviness in abdomen
Frequent indigestion
Desire to spit frequently
Frequent gases which tend to have foul odour
Unsatisfactory motions
Sticky, poorly formed stools which easily immerse in water and have offensive odour
Frequent urine with offensive odour
Frequent thirst
Feeling of heaviness in the entire body
Lazy feeling throughout the day
Stiffness in body, lumber region, spine or joints
Lack of energy
Feeling of fatigue
Foul odour in sweat

As it would be clear from this list, the first few symptoms are related to the digestive system while later symptoms are related to the whole body. Appearance of these symptoms indicates accumulation of aam at respective location. They should press the alarm bell and prompt the person to take appropriate measures to eliminate this.


Sadhya-Asadhyatva (Prognosis)

Upadrava (Associated Signs & Symptoms)

some home remedies

Pathya (Do'S)

Apathya (Prohibitions, Don't)

Samanya Chikitsa (Line of treatment followed)

1) Body purificatory therapy (samshodhana)

2) Oral medications (shamanoushada)

3) Avoidance of causative factors (nidana parivarjana)


Warning:The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

consult at Shiv Shiva AyurvedA.

By Dr.Omprakash Yadav